Parents Transfer Test

7 spooky transfer test preparation tips for successful transfer test prep this Halloween

7 spooky transfer test preparation tips for successful transfer test prep this Halloween

This time of year is when your child’s transfer test preparation will be going up a level! Autumn signifies that transfer test preparation is nearly over! Woohoo! The nights are getting darker, the leaves are changing colour and is it just me or is it feeling colder than normal for this time of year?! Autumn is well and truly here, meaning the transfer test is just around the corner!

Once that Halloween break from school hits, it’s only a few short weeks until the first test date. Whether your child is off school for one full week or a couple of days, this time off school is a great time to make extra progress with transfer test preparation and revision. So what should you do during this time? I will share my top 7 SEAG transfer test preparation tips for over the Halloween break. 

To help you out during this Halloween break, I have created something for you that’s better than a whole bucket of trick-or-treat candy! What could be better than that you ask? Well, a SEAG transfer test Halloween revision bundle! This resource includes a bundle of transfer test resources, including 5 comprehension tasks, spelling, punctuation and grammar tasks as well as various maths topic booklets to keep your child’s brain ticking over during the Halloween break. This revision bundle has been designed to mirror transfer test questions so your child gets as much practice as possible before the big day! As it’s spooky season, I’ve also included FREE Halloween transfer test resources! Click here to buy yours now and you can download it quicker than you can say, “Trick or treat!”

Take the stress out of this Halloween break with my transfer test preparation resource pack! This pack contains 5 revision booklets and FREE Halloween themed transfer test style activities!

SEAG Transfer Test Dates

This is just a quick reminder of transfer test key dates for this year’s SEAG transfer tests. Paper 1 is on Saturday the 16th of November 2024 and Paper 2 is on Saturday the 23rd of November 2024. And by now you should have also received your child’s Pupil Card. This is the identity document that your child must bring to each test. It includes your child’s full name, date of birth, the assessment centre where they will sit the test, your child’s photo and the dates of both tests. You can download and print this card from your dashboard on your SEAG account. Download and print the card as soon as possible so you don’t forget about it closer to the time. 

Before we stuck into our transfer test preparation, I want to remind you of the test dates for 2024. Paper 1 is on Saturday the 16th of November and Paper 2 is on Saturday the 23rd of November.

Seven spooky tips for Halloween transfer test preparation

The Halloween break is the last significant period that your child will be off school before the transfer test SEAG. This means it is the perfect time to get some extra preparation and revision in. Your child will probably be getting a bit more rest during this time, which means they are (hopefully) more likely to focus and take in what they are learning during this revision time. I have put together 7 tips which I feel will be useful during this break and can help your child become more confident and prepared for sitting the SEAG transfer tests. 

Here are my 7 spooky tips for Halloween transfer test preparation

Take a look at your child’s transfer test past papers

By now you have probably got a stack as tall as the Empire State Building of transfer test practice papers stashed somewhere in your house! Rather than letting them gather dust or using them as a doorstop, you can find some valuable information in these! My first tip for Halloween transfer test preparation is to go right back to the beginning test papers and note down any topics that your child was getting confused with or found difficult. These topics are the perfect place to start with transfer test revision. This will give your child the chance to show off their skills because they can now complete that particular topic with ease. Or it can highlight an area that they need to focus on and spend time learning. 

Taking a look at your child’s previous transfer test practice papers can help guide their revision over the last few weeks before the tests. It may seem like a chore at first, going through a mountain of papers. But trust me, they do contain lots of valuable information and there may just be a topic that your child needs to practise but has forgotten about. Once you have found a couple of revision topics, use transfer test games and the transfer test app to add some fun elements to revision time.

My first tip for Halloween  transfer test preparation is to look at your child's transfer test past papers to see if there are any areas that they need to practice.

Complete a practice paper in test conditions 

As the test dates are fast approaching, I do recommend completing transfer test NI practice papers during the Halloween break. Completing just one test paper, two at the very most, in test conditions to keep your child’s brain in “test mode.” When I say test conditions, I just mean choose a room in your house that has no distractions, is nice and quiet and set a timer so your child has the same timings as the real test.

Your child will have 60 minutes to complete 56 questions in the real test, so if you are trying to mirror the test conditions at home, set a timer and let your child work away. You can come back into the room when there are 30 minutes left and 15 minutes left so they know how long they have. If your child is receiving extra time during the test, you can add this to the timer. You can find plenty of transfer test sample papers Northern Ireland online. You can also grab my free 30-minute paper here!

Tip 2 for Halloween transfer test preparation is to complete a practice paper in test conditions to help keep your child's brain in "test mode."

Spelling, punctuation and grammar activities

The spelling, punctuation and grammar sections of the test papers are where your child can bank a good few marks! When I am asked about how to prepare for these parts of the test, I always say repetition, repetition, repetition. Using spelling, grammar and punctuation transfer test sample questions for practice is perfect for your child’s revision of these activities. The more your child completes these activities, the more they become used to finding and identifying spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. During the Halloween break, continue to complete activities where your child must find spelling and punctuation mistakes and also make sentences grammatically correct. You can check out my blog post, ‘SEAG Tests : How to prepare for the spelling, grammar and punctuation sections.’ In this blog post, I go through how to prepare for these three sections of the test in detail. 

Tip 3 for Halloween transfer test preparation is to complete spelling, punctuation and grammar activities that mirror those from the transfer tests.

Keep reading

Whether your child loves reading or hates it, this is a transfer test preparation tip that is essential for the SEAG transfer test. Another big section for marks is the comprehension section of the test which is all about reading a piece of text and answering questions based on it. (I’m sure you are very familiar with this section of the tests!) Having good reading skills will also help with the maths section of the test and understanding word problems. 

During the Halloween break, it is essential to keep your child’s reading skills on point. Reading a couple of chapters in the morning or just before bed is the perfect time. As well as counting towards transfer test preparation, reading is also a relaxing, calming activity. You can read together with your child or even take a trip to the library during the school break and let your child choose what they would like to read. 

Tip 4 for Halloween transfer test preparation is to keep reading. Reading is essential to help prepare your child for the English section of the test papers.

Practise times tables and division facts

Being able to quickly recall times tables and division facts is an essential skill that will help your child complete a variety of maths concepts in the transfer test SEAG. Time is of the essence in the transfer test. If your child can quickly rhyme off the times tables in their head, this will help save some time which they can spend checking over their paper or completing other questions. I have seen students struggle with times tables and division facts over the years and this has impacted their speed at completing word problems and other maths questions.

Each day, ask your child different times table facts. You don’t have to sit down at the table and get them to write them out. You can ask them a couple while you are in the car, out for a walk or even doing the shopping! Maybe even while they’re out trick or treating…just kidding!

Tip 5 for Halloween transfer test preparation is to keep practising times tables and division facts. Being able to quickly recall times tables is a great skill to have during the tests.

Have a chat with your child 

One of the best tips that I can give you, and maybe one of the most obvious, is to have a chat with your child. They are the ones who are sitting the countless practice papers in school and going through the revision booklets. They know deep down what they find difficult or struggle with. Ask your child what they want to practise over the Halloween break.

Your child may be reluctant to name a few topics. Whether it’s because they are embarrassed or they don’t want to tell you because you will make them do extra homework! But having a chat in a nice, relaxing atmosphere will be good for both you and your child. Make some hot chocolate, grab some nice biscuits and just talk. Talk about how your child feels about the transfer test, what they would like to study, and what they feel would help with their transfer test preparation. To sweeten them up a bit, talk about what special treat they would like after the tests! 

Tip 6 for Halloween transfer test preparation is to have a chat with your child. Sit down with a cuppa and ask them how they feel about the transfer test and any areas they would like to work on.

Relax and take a break

Every day during the Halloween break does not need to be filled to the brim with SEAG transfer test preparation. I know I have highlighted the importance of revising and preparing during this time off school. But it is also important to give your child a break and complete some fun activities. There are probably lots of Halloween and autumn-themed events running near where you live. Get out and about with your family, go for walks, have some nice treats and spend some quality time together. This is an important tip for transfer test preparation as I’m sure your relationship with your child has felt strained sometimes with the pressures and frustrations of transfer test preparation. This is the perfect time to relax and have some fun together.

Tip 7 for Halloween transfer test preparation is to relax and take a break. Revision during the Halloween break is important. But it is also important for your child to relax and have some fun.

More information on transfer test preparation

How to Prepare for the SEAG Transfer Tests

5 Top Tips to Boost your SEAG GL Transfer Test Revision.

Advice for parents who are facing the NI transfer test

Six Steps to Smarter Studying

We’re nearly at the finish line!

At this stage, your child may be feeling anxious or nervous as the test day approaches. They will be fed up with transfer test practice papers and homework. But they’re nearly at the finish line! Make sure you give them plenty of praise and reassurance during these next few weeks. Be patient, keep calm and encourage your child to keep going! I wish your child all the luck in the world with their SEAG transfer tests. I hope this blog post helps plan your child’s Halloween revision and transfer test preparation.

I hope these 7 tips for Halloween transfer test preparation help your child to become a happy, confident learner!

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