Let's get to know each other. I'm Kerry from Kerry Grogan Tutoring.

Living the Dream!

Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a teacher. Well, a teacher or a pop star! Once I came to terms with the fact that I didn’t have a note in my head I swiftly moved on to focus on my career as a primary school teacher. My poor brother was tortured during those summer months off school as I made him participate in ‘Miss Grogan’s Summer School!’ For at least two hours a day, he sat through my ‘lessons’ and completed homework which I set for him. I loved using my pocket money to buy stickers and colourful pens which I could use to mark his work! (I am still obsessed with buying stickers and colourful pens!). Once I graduated from university, I couldn’t believe that I was actually getting paid to do my dream job! 

I graduated from University with a PGCE in Primary Education. Once I received my degree, I began tutoring straight away.

Something was missing…

Even though teaching is my passion, something was missing. There was too much paperwork and too many staffroom dramas. I felt almost trapped in the classroom. I began tutoring after school to prepare students for the transfer test. I soon realised that I loved this even more than being in the classroom. Being able to help students and their families on a one-to-one basis, much to my surprise, is even more rewarding than teaching a class of thirty students! Being able to help a highly anxious student become more confident with their school work, being there for a family who struggles during homework time or helping make more happy, confident learners makes my heart soar.

Teach, inspire, learn. Quote from Malala Yousafzai, "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world."

Time for an Adventure!

Over the years I discovered another passion, which is travelling! I love going on adventures, exploring different countries and immersing myself in other cultures. From the temples of Malaysia to the beaches of Donegal, I literally love going everywhere and anywhere! I have also been extremely lucky to find the best travel buddy around, my Portuguese fiancé Filipe! (Before you ask, my Portuguese is terrible…I can order wine and coffee!)

Tutoring from around the world…

Taking temporary teaching jobs and tutoring meant I was able to continue travelling! I spent six months teaching and tutoring in Sydney, Australia. I also tutored online whilst I travelled Malaysia and most of Europe! Travelling has given me invaluable life experiences and many skills which help make me a better teacher and tutor. 

I also enjoy walking and hiking in nature, getting lost in a book, watching ‘The Office US’, listening to true crime podcasts and drinking mugs of coconut milk matcha! (Matcha – an extremely healthy, Japanese high-grade green tea). You can usually find me abroad somewhere or hopping into my car for a road trip around Ireland. However, I am currently at home, in Northern Ireland, spending time with my family and friends.

Join me on my next adventure…

I am currently a one-to-one primary tutor and at the moment I am still teaching in the classroom. I want to help as many families as I can. However, there are only so many hours in a day which makes it impossible for me to tutor everyone face-to-face.

My goal is to create a library of English and Maths tutoring resources and guides, which you can use at home to help change homework time from chaos to calm. Keep an eye out for my latest blog posts which will give you lots of tips and tricks for tutoring your child in English, Maths and preparing for the transfer test.

Whether your child is planning to sit the transfer test or they just need some extra help and guidance or they are simply getting ready for their next adventure in ‘big school.’ All of my resources are based on the Northern Ireland Curriculum. However, they can be used with primary school-aged children beyond Northern Ireland. My aim and mission will always be to help empower your children to become happy, confident learners! I really hope you will join me on my next adventure!

Kerry Grogan Tutoring slogan - Let's create happy, confident learners together! You can be your child's own primary tutor by using my guides, resources, tips and tricks!
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